


你需要流利的英语才能在托福口语考试中取得高分!然而,并不是所有能说流利英语的人都能得到最高分。为什么?这就是考试知识的重要性。在英语中,我们称之为“ exam technique 考试技巧”。



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托福口语 小 分



托福口语 问题

解释一个选择与校园有关的学术界 学术界



  • I)好主意/坏主意
  • ii)配对选择
  • 同意或不同意



Q. Some companies have rules that forbid employees from using personal cell phones during working hours. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

I personally think this is a really good rule. I know that most people are addicted to their cell phones these days, but I can tell you that I constantly see people around me missing important information in our classes because of this addiction to their phones. I know that my grades definitely suffer every time that I allow myself to become distracted in class by my mobile.

I am also sure that companies could easily improve production and efficiency by banning the use of personal phones in offices. When the power goes out, we all suddenly become much more aware of our surroundings! And we have to remember that we can still relax and connect with others without these distracting devices.


Q. Some people think they can achieve more when they work with other people. Some think they are more productive when they are alone. What is your opinion? Explain why.

I don’t think there’s a very clear answer to this one. For example, I believe it can be beneficial to have other people around when trying to achieve a goal, like for example to lose weight. When I was trying to lose weight, I went to group sessions. It was really helpful because we got together to do exercise and to record our weight loss. We would be there for each other when someone lost motivation or when someone was falling into temptation.

On the other hand, in high school, getting together to finish an assignment often turned into a party rather than a workspace, and I knew I was wasting my time. Other people can often be a major distraction! I think it all depends on what needs to be achieved and how disciplined you are. I think if I’m honest with myself, I’m probably more productive when I just lock myself in my room. 


Q. State whether you agree or disagree with the following statement. Then explain your reasons using specific details in your argument. “Teachers should assign daily homework to students.”

I think that the concept of homework is debatable, and I can definitely see both sides of the argument. But, if I had to make a choice, I’d have to agree. I know that most students hate homework, but I think there are two very positive aspects to daily homework.

As humans, we definitely need repetition in learning, and seeing the concepts only once in the classroom may be limiting. Going over ideas again at home creates repetition, and if we get used to doing this, I think we have more chance of success in the future.

I also believe that homework allows children to bond with their parents. When I was young, my parents really helped me when I had questions or doubts about my homework and it really brought us closer together.





说明: 阅读短文,然后听录音,最后回答问题

A 部分: 阅读

Group Work
The geology department is aware of the problems surrounding group work and its unpopularity among students. We realise that in some cases students do not contribute and thus gain marks they do not deserve, while stronger students are frustrated at being held back by weaker students. Similarly, it is very difficult for tutors to award marks for group projects, as it is unclear who is responsible for each part.

However, the department feels that there is a great deal to be gained from group work in terms of self-organisation and communication skills. To this end, we plan to introduce a system whereby the group work itself is not formally assessed. Each student will undertake an individual piece of work based on the group project. This will be designed to ensure participation in the project.

B 部分: 倾听

(Male student) Thank goodness the department has made changes to the way they assess group work! I had a nightmare last term with our geology project. I couldn’t bear going through that again!

(Female student) Why, what happened?

(Male student) Well, there were three of us in the group. One guy worked really hard, but he didn’t trust anyone else to do anything. He just wanted to do it all himself.

(Female student) It sounds like you were freeloading.

(Male student) Well, I wasn’t! I offered up plenty of ideas, but he kept saying they were no good. In the end, I stopped trying and left it to him. The other guy was a waste of space. He didn’t pull his weight at all. We barely saw him.

(Female student) Did you get a good grade?

(Male student) A reasonable one, considering how little work I did.  But I’m sure I’d have done better if I’d been given the chance to say what I wanted.

(Female student) Well, the new system should give you that opportunity.

(Male student) Yeah, I hope so, though I wish they’d abolish group work altogether.  All this organisation and communication is just a waste of time. It’s got nothing to do with geology! 

Q. The man expresses his opinion of group work. State and explain his opinion. Compare his opinion with that of the Geology Faculty.

A. The man doesn’t like group work because he had a negative experience when another group member kept rejecting his ideas. He felt he couldn’t contribute. He said that he wasn’t taking the easy road because he did constantly try to participate, unlike the third team member who simply did nothing.

He felt that the marks didn’t reflect each participant’s work fairly. He agreed with the faculty that giving one mark to the whole group doesn’t correctly reflect how much or how well each individual member worked.

He says that he really wants to be able to work individually, and this is in accordance with what the faculty recognised as important, so they seem to agree on this point. However, the man does not agree with what the university states at the end of their message about the importance of organisation and communication skills for all students. He believes that those skills have nothing to do with geology.



In psychology, the feeling of complete and energised focus in an activity is called “flow”. People who enter a state of flow lose their sense of time and have a feeling of great satisfaction. They become completely involved in an activity for its own sake, rather than for what may result from the activity, such as money or prestige. Contrary to expectation, flow usually happens not during relaxing moments of leisure and entertainment, but when we are actively involved in a difficult enterprise; in a task that stretches our mental or physical abilities.


(Male professor speaking)
I think this will help you get a picture of what your textbook is describing. I had a friend who taught in the Physics Department, Professor Jones, he retired last year…Anyway, I remember…this was a few years ago now…I remember passing by a classroom early one morning just as he was leaving, and he looked terrible: his clothes were all crumpled, and he looked like he hadn’t slept all night. And I asked if he was ok.

I was surprised when he said that he had never felt better, that he was happy. He had spent the entire night in the classroom working on a mathematics puzzle. He didn’t stop to eat dinner; he didn’t stop to sleep…or even rest. He was that involved in solving the puzzle. And it didn’t even have anything to do with his teaching or research; he had just come across this puzzle accidentally, I think in a mathematics journal, and it just really interested him. So he worked furiously all night and covered the blackboards in the classroom with equations and numbers and never realised that time was passing by.

Q. Explain flow and how the example used by the professor illustrates the concept.

A. The article describes flow as the feeling of focus in which people can lose their sense of time, while becoming entirely involved in an activity that doesn’t necessarily result in either money or prestige. From the text, we can understand flow as: being involved in something that is difficult or challenging, rather than in moments of relaxation.

The professor’s example of his colleague is relevant because he describes how this co-worker had clearly lost his sense of time by working all night on the mathematics puzzle he had come across, not stopping to rest, eat or even sleep. He also explains how the puzzle was not going to lead his colleague to any specific conclusion. It represented a personal challenge that kept him intrigued and fully satisfied while he was in the process of doing it.



  • 表达方式: 候选人一般说话速度很快,表达流畅。语音清晰,可能包括轻微的语音失误或语调模式的轻微困难,但这些并不影响整体可懂度。
  • 语言使用: 回答显示了语法和词汇的有效使用。它具有较高的自动化程度,能很好地控制基本结构和复杂结构。微小的错误可能是显而易见的,但不会导致误解。
  • 主题发展: 反应是持续的并且与任务相关。它通常是发展良好和连贯的,各种想法之间的关系是明确的。


  • 我完全回答了吗?
  • 我说得清楚吗?
  • 我的语法有错误吗?
  • 我的用词是否正确?
  • 我的想法是否有条理?
  • 我是否充分利用了所给予的时间?
  • 我说得太快了还是太慢了?
  • 我是否有效地使用了暂停?




  • “As far as I’m concerned…” “就我而言… …”
  • “Personally, I think that…” “我个人认为… …”
  • “It seems to me that…” “在我看来… …”


  • “The problem is…” “问题是… …”
  • “The problem seems to be that…” “问题似乎在于… …”
  • “The real issue seems to be that…” “真正的问题似乎是… …”


  • On the contrary… 恰恰相反
  • Instead, I’d say that… 相反,我会说..
  • Some may argue that… 有些人可能会说..


托福口语如何提高?仔细聆听以英语为母语的人说话时的声音,并试着模仿你所听到的。有许多免费和付费的在线平台,你可以在这些平台上与母语人士互动。Facebook 有许多群组,你可以在那里找到演讲伙伴。

如果你想更专注地准备托福口语考试,可以考虑和一个合格的英语老师一起参加付费的在线课程。在 OTUK,我们的课程集中在流利和考试技巧上,以帮助你获得更快的成绩。




你可以使用在线工具,比如 Resoomer 这可能有助于你找到用英语表达相同观点的简短方法。



It’s always been one of those big sci-fi questions – is there life on Mars, or rather, could Mars ever support life? Well, it is generally assumed that in order to have life, you need water. Well, ever since the 1960s we’ve been sending out probes to Mars to try to…ascertain if there is water on Mars, or if there ever has been, and in the 1990s, 1996 to be precise, the U.S. Mars Global Surveyor was launched. The surveyor remains in orbit around Mars to this day and has some rather nifty equipment on board, including a high-resolution camera, a sensor that can identify soil and rocks, and a laser that can take measurements and map the planet’s surface.

So what have we learnt from the Global Surveyor? Well, we’ve found out that yes, there was once water on Mars, and in great quantities too. I’m talking oceans, seas, lakes…much like Earth today. They have deduced this from the shapes of the mountains and valleys on Mars – they are the same shape as those formations on Earth that we know were created by water. In fact, some analysts are suggesting that there is still water on Mars to this day, but deep down, in holes 100 to 400 meters below the surface.

This idea created quite a stir, as you can imagine, and a number of scientists have tried to either prove…or refute this theory, using other evidence available to us. Some Chinese scientists, for example, have been studying a meteorite that was collected from Antarctica in 2001, but they’ve found no evidence of water there, but that’s not to say there isn’t any water on Mars, as Mars and meteorites are separate entities entirely. Another source of evidence we have is images from astronomical telescopes, but we can’t see much of the planet from this angle – just the poles, and they are covered in ice caps – dry ice, not H20 – so that doesn’t help us one way or the other.

We hear from the professor that there was once water on Mars, perhaps a similar amount to on Earth today. This data has been retrieved by a probe sent to orbit Mars in the 90s. Scientists have even been able to measure the shape of the land and draw maps of the planet. They believe there was once water on Mars because the rock formations are similar to those formed by water on Earth. Some argue that there is still water on Mars, but deep underground.

Some Chinese scientists have been exploring a Martian meteorite that landed on Earth in 2001. They haven’t found any signs of water in these rocks, but this doesn’t discount the possibility of water on Mars itself. The professor also explains that we can view images from telescopes, but they don’t really help us decide whether Mars has water as they can only see the poles of the planet. These are covered in dry ice, making it difficult to see. In conclusion, we still don’t know whether there is currently water on Mars.



对于旅行/大学的例子,你的理由可能是: 学习新的文化,参观著名的地方,以及从教育中得到必要的休息。你可以利用这些理由来支持你的答案。



尽量使用过渡副词来使你的话流畅,例如,however,therefore,therefore,however,therefore,therefore。当讨论你的个人观点时,使用如下形容词: 可靠的,足智多谋的,明智的,热情的,聪明的。




练习: 试着听广播/电视新闻,列出重要信息的要点清单。这将是一个好的总结的骨干,以参考时发言。现在用你的笔记练习以尽可能短的方式复述新闻。你可以让一个朋友对你的总结发表评论,或者问你一个具体的考试问题。

你不会在笔记的外观上留下记号。它们只是为你准备的。使用缩写和“速记”,尽可能简短。使用要点符号,每行只包含一个事实。确保你的笔记100% 清晰。



Beginning with the fall semester, tuition bills must be paid in full before classes begin. Returning students will not be able to attend classes for which they preregistered last spring if there is an outstanding balance due on the account. Although in previous semesters students were allowed to attend classes if 50 percent of the bill was paid, the new policy, with no exceptions, will go into effect immediately. The bursar’s office is open Monday to Friday from nine to six to assist you with financial aid, loans, and scholarship applications. Please check your account balance online.


  • New policy = 100% paid before attend class, starting autumn 新政策 = 从秋季开始上课前100% 付费
  • Old policy = only 50% paid before 旧政策 = 之前只支付了50%
  • Office open Mon-Fri 9-6 for help 星期一至星期五9至6办公室开放求助
  • Check account balance online 在线查询账户余额




  • Get on, get back, get over 上车,退后,上车
  • Look after, look up, look forward to 照顾,仰望,期待
  • Put off, put on, put away 推迟,穿上,收起



I don’t know how I got through the lecture today. Everyone was dozing off! The students at the back of the room did nothing but fool around. I know the faculty has tried to crack down on disrespectful behaviour and get back to a sense of decency, but today the lecturer ended up breaking off the lesson and leaving the room to cool off. I think that this behaviour may cause a drop off in the number of students who enrol, and the university may even do away with the course altogether.








通过经常使用诸如:firsthoweverin contraston the other handmoreover,此外,等等这样的短语来连接和移动想法。记住,思想之间的流畅是流畅的标志。使用过渡可以帮助你避免停顿,并引导考官顺利地进入你的下一个要点。



  • Let’s see 让我们看看
  • That’s an interesting/a good question 这是一个有趣的/好的问题
  • Let me think 让我想想


  • Although 虽然
  • Whereas 然而呢
  • While 同时
  • In spite of 尽管
  • Others may argue 其他人可能会争论


  • First (of all) . . . Second . . . Third 首先,第二,第三
  • Similarly 同样地
  • Moreover 此外


  • Evidently 很明显
  • Above all 最重要的是
  • Obviously 很明显
  • Without a doubt 毫无疑问


  • As a result 因此
  • Consequently 因此
  • Thanks to 多亏了


  • Overall 整体而言
  • For the most part 在大多数情况下
  • Generally speaking 一般来说


  • In conclusion 总而言之
  • As a result 因此
  • In summary 总而言之





Do you agree or disagree that pupils should have a job while they are studying at school?

A. When I was at school, I had a part-time job, and it really helped me to learn about self-discipline. I don’thave a job at the moment because I need to dedicate all my time to university, so I suppose I can see both sides of the argument. I would definitely recommend getting a part-time job if you can handle the workload. I know I’llsee the benefits of it later in my life.

We’ve already mentioned vocabulary like phrasal verbs, adverbs/adjectives, and transition words in our list of TOEFL exam tips. There is no specific set of vocabulary given by TOEFL ETS for candidates to learn. Your goal should be to acquire vocabulary over time as you progress your English.


  • 经常用英语阅读并记录新词汇
  • 使用字典和辞典来确保你完全理解每一个生词
  • 每周列出10个新单词/短语,然后测试自己
  • 写下常用的托福口语词汇,集中精力学习较弱的单词



托福口语如何提高?起初,你可能会发现很难在这么短的时间内做笔记。没关系!通过练习,你会变得更快。如果你的英语足够好,使用本地的新闻来源,而不是 esl 适应的材料。确保你的手机上有一个计时的秒表。

改编自 esl 的新闻来源:








托福口语如何提高?对于一些纯正的音频样本,检查口音和英语方言列表的 IDEA 档案。比如,试着听听 accents from across England

