

现在在家工作的专业人士比以往任何时候都多,登录英语电话会议是最受欢迎的工作会议方式。无论你使用的是 Zoom、 Skype 还是 Microsoft team,我们用于电话会议的英语通常都是一样的。让我们来看看一些有用的表达方式,你可以用它们在电话中给你的同事留下深刻印象!



  • Could you please email me the link to the Zoom call?
  • Is there a password for the Teams call on Tuesday?
  • Attached is the link for the Skype call on Thursday at 8am UK time, see you then.
  • Should you not be able to attend the meeting, please decline the invitation and I’ll try to reschedule.
  • Thanks for the invite, I’m looking forward to the webinar tomorrow.

在正式英语中使用 inversions 反义词(我们把主语放在动词之前) ,是让自己听起来精通英语的好方法。它们不仅听起来非常专业,而且也是强调陈述的好方法。
Should you see Angela, please pass on my regards.
Never have I seen such poor financial results.
Not only is there a company gym but also a sauna.
Seldom have I heard such a good presentation.



  • Hello, my name’s Eliza and I’m a junior copywriter for MMU.
  • Hi everyone, I’m Jennifer and I’m a sales rep at Nike.
  • Hi guys, my name’s Julio and I’m a financial consultant for a global firm. I joined this webinar to improve my business English.
  • Good afternoon, my name’s Sanjay and I am going to be hosting today’s meeting.


以下是一些在英语电话会议 开头寒暄的好方法:

  • As we are still missing a few people, how about we start with a quick summary of the week?
  • Let me begin with a brief breakdown of the meeting…
  • The agenda for the meeting is as follows…
  • Paul is going to start us off with a reminder of the yearly targets.
  • As a warm-up, we have a team building activity.
  • Let’s kick off with a quick introduction by each participant.



  • Could you say that in layman’s terms (not jargon)?
  • Could you speak more slowly, please?
  • Could you say that again, please?
  • Just to clarify, are you saying that…?
  • Sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you go over it once more, please?
  • Did everyone get that? Did I make myself clear? Are we all good on this point?



  • I’m sorry I think we missed something, the video was stuck/frozen for a minute or two. Could you repeat what you said?
  • As I was saying before the video froze…
  • Barry, I’m having trouble hearing you, have you unmuted?
  • There seems to be a lot of background noise, Sanjay, could you repeat that?
  • As we’re experiencing a poor internet connection today, could everyone turn off their cameras so that we can hear each other better?
  • Did you raise your hand, Sarah, or is that historical?
  • Please turn your mic on!
  • I’m going to share my screen with you…can you all see my screen now?
  • Sorry about that, I got kicked out, but I’m back now.
  • Could you scroll down to show everyone the graphs please, Mike?
  • Please forgive the background noise!

正如我刚才所说的,这是一个很有用的话语标记,可以让你回到之前的话题,特别是当你发现你在说话时被打断或者遇到了技术问题时。例如:。as I was saying before the video cut out, I have been researching the effects of solar energy on society.



  • As chair of today’s meeting, I’d like to introduce myself…
  • I’d like to record this session so it is accessible to members who couldn’t participate today. Is that okay with everyone?
  • If you have any questions, please select the ‘raised hand’ button.
  • Thank you for your contribution Mike, I particularly enjoyed your thoughts on project.
  • Moving on to our next item on the agenda, Finance…
  • Do you have anything to add to that, Mr. Wong?
  • Could I ask you to voice your opinions in the chat box, please?
  • That’s a great idea/question. Hold that thought and I’ll get back to it in just a moment.
  • I’m going to give you all a fifteen minute tea break. Let’s reconvene at 11.15. Don’t forget to turn your cameras off and unmute!

积极参与 Zoom


  • Sorry to interrupt but may I ask a quick question?
  • I’m afraid I can’t see/hear you.
  • Could I ask a quick question related to … before we move on?
  • I have nothing further to add to that at the moment.
  • Bear with me for a moment while I find the correct file.
  • Please come back to me, I need to mute for a second.
  • Sorry that raised hand is historical.

向微软团队举手表示愿意交谈。说完话后很容易忘记取消手势。在这种情况下,我们称之为“historical hand”。例如,Simon would you like to add something or is that hand historical?



  • Just to recap…
  • We’re running out of time so let’s wrap up and close the call.
  • Thank you for joining today, I hope you all have a good week!
  • We got a lot done today. Thank you all for your time and patience.
  • I just want to say thanks everyone for an informative meeting!
  • Thanks very much, I really learned a lot today.
  • I wish you all a great weekend. See you all next week!
  • Have a great rest of your day, goodbye!



非正式英语电话会议: 开始召集会议

Steven: Hello everyone, glad to see some familiar faces here today.

As we are still missing a few people, how about we start with a quick recap of last week? Would anyone like to remind us what was discussed at our previous meeting? I can see Roberto has a hand raised.

Roberto, I can see you’re talking, but can’t hear you. Have you unmuted?

Roberto: Sorry about that! Last week we looked at company performance and possible areas for improvement.

Steven: That’s correct, thanks Roberto. As a warm-up I’m going to post a few questions in the chat box. I’d like you all to reply as quickly as possible.

I can see Maria has her hand raised?

Maria: I just wanted to ask if it’s possible to record this session so that I can watch it again later?

Steven: I’ll put that to the rest of the class, if anyone is against me recording the lesson, please say so now in the chat box.

B. 半正式英语电话会议: 聚焦会议议程

Bill: Let’s kick off with a quick run-down of today’s agenda. I believe Gerry is going to do this for us.

Gerry: Yes, thank you. I can take over from here. The agenda for the meeting is as follows: first off, we’ll hear Sam give us the numbers for last week, then we’ll move onto Beth who’s going to tell us about an exciting new client, and lastly, we’ll have an open chat about the upcoming conference in Glasgow. If you have any questions, please select the ‘raised hand’ button. Is there anything I’ve missed, Carla?

Carla: I have nothing to add to that at the moment, thanks.

Bill: Sorry to interrupt but may I ask a quick question? Are we going to hear from Sam regarding the new cycle-to-work scheme?

Sam: Not today, I’m afraid, as we are still waiting on some government advice, but we should have it by next week.

Bill: Thanks, that’s all.

Gerry: Okay, I’ll hand over to Sam who’ll fill us in on the numbers…

短语动词是提高你英语流利程度的好方法,Fill in有多个意思,常用于商务英语。
Fill in something (complete) e.g. You should fill in the form with your details.
Fill someone in (inform) e.g. The Mayor is going to fill us in on the current situation.
Fill in for someone (replace) e.g. Bill is going to fill in for Nina on the nightshift as she is unwell.


正式英语会议: Zoom 电话的技术问题

Chair: Thank you for your contribution, Rachel. I particularly enjoyed your thoughts on the new hiring procedure. Moving on to our next item on the agenda: Finance. I’d like to say a special thanks to Mrs. Patel for joining us today. We’re looking forward to learning more about the Gateway Initiative

Mrs Patel: (frozen video)

Chair:I’m sorry I think we missed something there, the video was stuck/frozen for a minute or two. Could you repeat what you said, please?

Mrs Patel: Can you all see and hear me now?

Chair: Yes, the video’s fine now. However, as we seem to be experiencing a poor internet connection today, could I ask everyone turn off their video so that we can hear each other better? That’s great, I’ll hand over to Mrs Patel now.

Mrs Patel: Great, thank you for that, Adrian. I’m going to share my screen with you all, can you all see my screen?


后疫情时代,越来越多的会议改为 conference call 英语电话会议的形式,但是很多人非常害怕参加电话会议。害怕的原因有很多。比如不会使用操作工具,或者听不懂对方说什么,抑或临场不知如何作答。希望本文对你有所帮助,下次碰到电话会议,也能非常 professional 专业地表达想法。

